Our Mission:


We offer a safe physical and emotional space to grow and be empowered.

We equip caring adults to build genuine relationships of influence and reflect Christ.

We help students know their identity as a Child of God.

We provide tools for students to discover their purpose and build a future.


Our Vision

We dream of Stark County filled with students who know who they are in Christ and as a result, full of hope and life, known for their selflessness, and empowered to carry out God’s dream for their impact.

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Our Impact

Tiqvah’s impact continues to grow every year as the program expands. Our impact is strengthened as our relationships with students and their families deepen. We encourage our students to achieve academic success along with emotional and mental success. Tiqvah’s ultimate goal is to make a positive impact in students so they can in turn make a positive impact in their families and community.



Families enrolled consecutively

Relationships that grow in their impact also grow in their longevity. These families have been with us more than one year in a row, which equates to more opportunities for our staff to grow with them.



Years Serving our community

Beginning in 2009 at the S.E. Community Center providing after school programming for 20 kids. We now serve the students of Canton in Christ Presbyterian Church.



Current Students Enrolled

We now serve 76 students from various Canton city and area charter schools.




Our Events

We have many opportunities for you to come and experience our program in a variety of ways. From benefits to trainings and everything in between; there is a way for you to engage with us and our vision.


“I believe children should be given every opportunity to develop and grow mentally, physically and spiritually. Sponsoring children and investing in TIQVAH offers me the opportunity to encourage and enhance the development of children.”

Gloria, involved with Tiqvah since April 2017



Get Involved

Our program is what it is because of the kindness and commitment of our Tiqvah family. This family includes our donors, volunteers, staff, students, and their families’. Below are three ways you could become part of this incredible program.



Join our monthly donor program!

Volunteer opportunities

You could be part of the impact. Helping a student with homework, preparing a meal, or just coming to spend time. All of it is part of the mentorship process.

Make a Donation

As a non profit, we are able to provide services in direct response to your generosity. Help us do more now!

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Contact Us

Please complete the form below

If you are looking to enroll a child, please include that information in the message below and we will contact you promptly.